Work trainings
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Work trainings
I also provided designed work trainings for insurance companies and banks (mostly with Caritat and GENES).
The topics of these trainings are the following ones (applications of all these techniques were performed in R):
\ding{70} \textit{Advanced pricing methods with Machine Learning in non life insurance}, 16h;\\
\ding{70} \textit{Non-life insurance mathematics: pricing and reserving techniques}, $14h$;\\
\ding{70} \textit{Deterministic and stochastic reserving in actuarial science}, $14h$;\\
- Advanced pricing methods with Machine Learning in non life insurance, 16h;
- Nonparametric techniques for pricing and portfolio segmentation, link here
- Stochastic and non-stochastic methods for reserving in non-life insurance companies, link here
- Pricing methods and models in Non-Life insurance, link here
- Microlevel reserving in insurance;
- Operational risk modelling in bank and insurance, link here
- Credibility theory, bonus-malus systems and applications,
- Collective versus individual risk models in insurance,
- Introduction to R programming language (open source statistical software),